Documentación de Affected / Bankruptcy Proceedings

NAV Navigation

AffectedAsPlaintiffBankruptcyProceedingsApi v1.0.0

Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

Base URLs:

Email: Iberinform Web: Iberinform


  • API Key (ClientSecretHeader)

    • Parameter Name: X-IBM-Client-Secret, in: header.
  • API Key (APIKeyHeader)

    • Parameter Name: X-IBM-Client-Id, in: header.



Code samples

require 'rest-client'

require 'json'

headers = {

 'Accept' => 'application/json',

 'X-IBM-Client-Secret' => 'API_KEY',

 'X-IBM-Client-Id' => 'API_KEY'


result = RestClient.get 'https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings',

 params: {

 }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests

headers = {

 'Accept': 'application/json',

 'X-IBM-Client-Secret': 'API_KEY',

 'X-IBM-Client-Id': 'API_KEY'


r = requests.get('https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings', headers = headers)


GET https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

const headers = {







 method: 'GET',

 headers: headers


.then(function(res) {

 return res.json();

}).then(function(body) {



GET /incidents/{organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings


Name In Type Required Description
organisationID path string true identificador de la firma
language query string false Idioma generación

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK 200 OK bankruptcyDetail
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized ErrorDetail
403 Forbidden Forbidden ErrorDetail
404 Not Found Recurso no encontrado ErrorDetail
500 Internal Server Error Internal error ErrorDetail


Code samples

require 'rest-client'

require 'json'

headers = {

 'Accept' => 'application/json',

 'X-IBM-Client-Secret' => 'API_KEY',

 'X-IBM-Client-Id' => 'API_KEY'


result = RestClient.get 'https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings/{incidentID}',

 params: {

 }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests

headers = {

 'Accept': 'application/json',

 'X-IBM-Client-Secret': 'API_KEY',

 'X-IBM-Client-Id': 'API_KEY'


r = requests.get('https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings/{incidentID}', headers = headers)


GET https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings/{incidentID} HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

const headers = {







 method: 'GET',

 headers: headers


.then(function(res) {

 return res.json();

}).then(function(body) {



GET /incidents/{organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings/{incidentID}


Name In Type Required Description
organisationID path string true none
incidentID path string true none
language query string false none

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK 200 OK bankruptcyIDDetail
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized ErrorDetail
403 Forbidden Forbidden ErrorDetail
404 Not Found Recurso no encontrado ErrorDetail
500 Internal Server Error Internal error ErrorDetail





Name Type Required Restrictions Description
code string false none none
message string false none none
principal string false none none
status number false none none




Name Type Required Restrictions Description
claims [object] false none none
claimsNumber number false none none




Name Type Required Restrictions Description
assetsAmount string false none none
courtNumber number false none none
courtTown object false none none
  code string false none none
  value string false none none
courtType string false none none
defendants [object] false none none
  address object false none none
   country object false none none
    code string false none none
    value string false none none
   dateUntil string false none none
   fullAddress string false none none
   number string false none none
   otherDetails string false none none
   postcode string false none none
   province object false none none
    code string false none none
    value string false none none
   streetName string false none none
   streetType object false none none
    code string false none none
    value string false none none
   town object false none none
    code string false none none
    value string false none none
   urbanArea string false none none
  companyName string false none none
  taxId string false none none
liabilitiesAmount string false none none
orderNumber string false none none
plaintiffs [object] false none none
  address object false none none
   country object false none none
    code string false none none
    value string false none none
   dateUntil string false none none
   fullAddress string false none none
   number string false none none
   otherDetails string false none none
   postcode string false none none
   province object false none none
    code string false none none
    value string false none none
   streetName string false none none
   streetType object false none none
    code string false none none
    value string false none none
   town object false none none
    code string false none none
    value string false none none
   urbanArea string false none none
  companyName string false none none
  taxId string false none none
proceeding string false none none
proceedingDate string false none none
publications [object] false none none
  datePublished string false none none
  media object false none none
   code string false none none
   value string false none none
rating string false none none
status string false none none
statusDate string false none none
statusHistory [object] false none none
  estado string false none none
  fecha string false none none