AffectedAsPlaintiffBankruptcyProceedingsApi v1.0.0
Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.
Base URLs:
Email: Iberinform Web: Iberinform
API Key (ClientSecretHeader)
- Parameter Name: X-IBM-Client-Secret, in: header.
API Key (APIKeyHeader)
- Parameter Name: X-IBM-Client-Id, in: header.
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'X-IBM-Client-Secret' => 'API_KEY',
'X-IBM-Client-Id' => 'API_KEY'
result = RestClient.get 'https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-IBM-Client-Secret': 'API_KEY',
'X-IBM-Client-Id': 'API_KEY'
r = requests.get('https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings', headers = headers)
GET https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /incidents/{organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
organisationID | path | string | true | identificador de la firma |
language | query | string | false | Idioma generación |
Example responses
200 Response
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | 200 OK | bankruptcyDetail |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorized | ErrorDetail |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden | ErrorDetail |
404 | Not Found | Recurso no encontrado | ErrorDetail |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal error | ErrorDetail |
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'X-IBM-Client-Secret' => 'API_KEY',
'X-IBM-Client-Id' => 'API_KEY'
result = RestClient.get 'https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings/{incidentID}',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-IBM-Client-Secret': 'API_KEY',
'X-IBM-Client-Id': 'API_KEY'
r = requests.get('https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings/{incidentID}', headers = headers)
GET https://$({organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings/{incidentID} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /incidents/{organisationID}/affectedAsPlaintiff/bankruptcyProceedings/{incidentID}
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
organisationID | path | string | true | none |
incidentID | path | string | true | none |
language | query | string | false | none |
Example responses
200 Response
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | 200 OK | bankruptcyIDDetail |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorized | ErrorDetail |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden | ErrorDetail |
404 | Not Found | Recurso no encontrado | ErrorDetail |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal error | ErrorDetail |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
code | string | false | none | none |
message | string | false | none | none |
principal | string | false | none | none |
status | number | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
claims | [object] | false | none | none |
claimsNumber | number | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
assetsAmount | string | false | none | none |
courtNumber | number | false | none | none |
courtTown | object | false | none | none |
code | string | false | none | none |
value | string | false | none | none |
courtType | string | false | none | none |
defendants | [object] | false | none | none |
address | object | false | none | none |
country | object | false | none | none |
code | string | false | none | none |
value | string | false | none | none |
dateUntil | string | false | none | none |
fullAddress | string | false | none | none |
number | string | false | none | none |
otherDetails | string | false | none | none |
postcode | string | false | none | none |
province | object | false | none | none |
code | string | false | none | none |
value | string | false | none | none |
streetName | string | false | none | none |
streetType | object | false | none | none |
code | string | false | none | none |
value | string | false | none | none |
town | object | false | none | none |
code | string | false | none | none |
value | string | false | none | none |
urbanArea | string | false | none | none |
companyName | string | false | none | none |
taxId | string | false | none | none |
liabilitiesAmount | string | false | none | none |
orderNumber | string | false | none | none |
plaintiffs | [object] | false | none | none |
address | object | false | none | none |
country | object | false | none | none |
code | string | false | none | none |
value | string | false | none | none |
dateUntil | string | false | none | none |
fullAddress | string | false | none | none |
number | string | false | none | none |
otherDetails | string | false | none | none |
postcode | string | false | none | none |
province | object | false | none | none |
code | string | false | none | none |
value | string | false | none | none |
streetName | string | false | none | none |
streetType | object | false | none | none |
code | string | false | none | none |
value | string | false | none | none |
town | object | false | none | none |
code | string | false | none | none |
value | string | false | none | none |
urbanArea | string | false | none | none |
companyName | string | false | none | none |
taxId | string | false | none | none |
proceeding | string | false | none | none |
proceedingDate | string | false | none | none |
publications | [object] | false | none | none |
datePublished | string | false | none | none |
media | object | false | none | none |
code | string | false | none | none |
value | string | false | none | none |
rating | string | false | none | none |
status | string | false | none | none |
statusDate | string | false | none | none |
statusHistory | [object] | false | none | none |
estado | string | false | none | none |
fecha | string | false | none | none |